
Kindergarten Edible Social Studies: Week 7

Our theme this week was mindfulness! In the classroom, we read No Ordinary Apple by Sara Marlowe and Phil Pascuzzo, a book about what happens when we slow down and practice eating mindfully.

In the kitchen, we started off with an apple tasting of four varieties: Honeycrisp, Granny Smith, Pink Lady, and Fuji. The kindergarten chefs used all their senses to take notice of the scents, textures, colors, flavors, and even sounds of each apple slice. Not only did the apples look different, they had different levels of sweetness and juiciness.

We then made carrot and spinach latkes and ate them with homemade applesauce made from the same four varieties of apples we tasted raw. In our closing circle, we each shared one thing we noticed about our meal by bringing mindfulness to the table with us.